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God's Work.  Our Hands.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) The ELCA is a community of faith that shares a passion for making positive changes in the world. Our faith is built around a strong belief in God as made known to us in Jesus Christ. Through worship, service, and education, we practice our faith, grow our relationship with God and experience God's grace in our lives.

We also work hard to put our faith into action. In today’s complex world, we strive to make a difference in practical, realistic ways.  With nearly 10,000 congregations across the U.S. and 4 million members—we welcome you to experience this church right in your community by visiting Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. Explore the ELCA, and help us celebrate our gift of faith—with action.

What We Believe

Newport Harbor Lutheran Church & School believes in the Holy Trinity of God - Creator, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. They are separate and one at the same time, just as Water H20 is separate and one at the same time: Liquid Water, Frozen Ice, and Vapor Gas.


Luther says we are Christ's with and without the apostrophe - We belong to Christ and we are little Christs.


Additionally, as Pastor Paul Hegele says; "We believe in loving people into heaven rather than trying to scare them out of hell."

Who are Lutherans


A Lutheran is a follower of Jesus Christ.

Lutherans are Christians, followers of Jesus Christ who accept the Bible as the source of doctrine and guidance.
Lutherans proclaim God’s message by emphasizing salvation through faith and teaching that a person is to live in the freedom of Christian love.
Lutherans affirm the Christian faith and engage in teachings centered in the Scriptures.

Lutherans teach that the Bible is the Word of God and God is one in three persons

-Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We call this the “Holy Trinity”.
Baptism is by water and the Word of God. It is a sacrament creating new life in a person.
It remakes him or her in a God pleasing way. Lutherans baptize people at all ages.

Newport Harbor Lutheran Church and School

798 Dover Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92663

Tel: 949-548-3631

Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm & Sunday 9:15am - 11:30am

© 2022 By Newport Harbor Lutheran Church and School.

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